+49 (0) 2331 396345 0 info@avion-europe.de

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Furnace hearth and muffle parts made of
silicon carbide/Mullite composition

The relatively new generation silicon carbide and Mullite (MulSiC) mixture demonstrates essential advantages in comparison to pure forms of SiC or Mullite muffle parts, primarily
used for furnace construction or repairs.

The essential advantage is the excellent re-
sistance against so-called “glazing,“ the hardening of the surface by means of glass type residues.
Pure SiC shows a long life and a  high resistance against thermal shock. However, it is very sus-ceptible to the “glazing effect“ causing irregular granular growth, reduced passage and conse-
quently early failure.
Pure Mullite is almost totally resistant to glazing, however, it only has a very short life, particularly with exposure to frequent temperature changes.

In cooperation with our partners we succeeded in mixing these two materials to a very specific recipe which combines the advantages of both components in one material. The result is a high-quality material with long life at an extremely attractive price.

T65 MulSiC

Max. process temperature 2450°F / 1340°C
160 – 170 lbs/ft³
Porosity/permeability 14 – 18 %

Excellent properties for frequent temperature changes.

Examples for use:

T65 is recommended for use where a long life, high resistance against abrasion as well as a high thermal conductivity are required.

Available for following types:

  • TQ 4
  • TQ 5
  • TQ 6
  • TQ 7
  • TQ 9
  • TQ 10
  • TQ 11
  • TQ 13
  • TQ 17
  • RTQ 8
  • RTQ 9
